World Languages Collection
Since 1986, MCPL has purchased adult and children's books and periodicals in certain world languages to serve the county's diverse population. Print materials for both adults and children are at these branches, unless otherwise noted.
On This Page
Locations by Language
- Amharic
- Chinese
- Farsi
- French
- Korean
- Russian
- Spanish
- Aspen Hill
- Brigadier General Charles E. McGee (Silver Spring)
- Chevy Chase (children's only)
- Connie Morella (Bethesda)
- Damascus
- Gaithersburg
- Germantown
- Kensington Park (children's only)
- Little Falls (children's only)
- Long Branch
- Marilyn J. Praisner (children's only)
- Noyes (children's only)
- Olney
- Quince Orchard (children's only)
- Rockville Memorial
- Twinbrook
- Wheaton
- White Oak
- Vietnamese
Languages by Location
- Aspen Hill
- Spanish
- Brigadier General Charles E. McGee (Silver Spring)
- Amharic
- Chinese
- French
- Spanish
- Vietnamese
- Chevy Chase
- Spanish (children's only)
- Connie Morella (Bethesda)
- Chinese
- French
- Spanish
- Damascus
- Spanish
- Gaithersburg
- Amharic
- Chinese
- Farsi
- Korean
- Spanish
- Vietnamese
- Germantown
- Chinese
- Spanish
- Kensington Park
- Spanish (children's only)
- Little Falls
- Spanish (children's only)
- Long Branch
- Spanish
- Vietnamese
- Marilyn J. Praisner
- Chinese
- Korean
- Spanish (children's only)
- Noyes
- Spanish (children's only)
- Olney
- Spanish
- Potomac
- Chinese
- Quince Orchard
- Chinese
- Spanish (children's only)
- Rockville Memorial
- Chinese
- French
- Korean
- Russian
- Spanish
- Vietnamese
- Twinbrook
- Chinese
- Korean
- Spanish
- Wheaton
- Chinese
- Spanish
- Vietnamese
- White Oak
- Amharic
- Spanish