Guidelines Governing the Use of Montgomery County Public Libraries
Please help us to be a welcoming environment by observing the following guidelines when you are in our libraries:
Choose civility. Library staff and customers are expected to treat one another with mutual courtesy and respect. Threatening speech or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and may result in the person being barred and/or the police being called.
Directions given by library staff must be followed. Library staff have the authority to maintain order, to ensure the safety of staff and customers, and to enforce these and other regulations.
No videotaping, photography, filming or recording is permitted within the library.
All Internet and computer customers must comply with our stated computer use and printing policies. Library resources, including materials, furniture, Internet access, computers and other equipment, are to be shared.
Library property should be respected. For example, feet should not be placed on chairs or tables. Shoes must be worn. Ball playing, running, rollerblading, skateboarding, and other physical activities are not permitted in the library or on library property.
Children under the age of 8 must be supervised at all times in the library by a responsible person who is at least 13 years old. Children over the age of 8 should not be left alone for prolonged periods of time.
Access to the Children’s area of the library is limited to minor children, adults accompanying minor children, or adults seeking materials that are not available in any other area of the library.
Customers of any age with mental, physical, or emotional disabilities who are being served by an attendant or caregiver must be accompanied by that attendant or caregiver at all times.
Library Program Attendance (both virtual and in the branch) is limited to participants within the suggested age range of the program. Children attending an MCPL program under the age of 8 must be accompanied by an adult. Adults attending a program intended for children must have an accompanying child.
Belongings should not be left unattended or stored in the library.
Food and drink. Drinks with lids are allowed. Food is not allowed in the library, except in designated areas for food consumption, available at some branches.
Noise of an excessive nature should not inconvenience others who are browsing, reading, or working in the library. Please be considerate of others. Loud conversation of any nature is disruptive.
Cell phones must be set on vibrate. Conversations must be kept to a reasonable volume so as not to disturb other library customers. Ear phones must be used with other electronic equipment.
Smoking and vaping are prohibited on property that is owned or leased by Montgomery County.
No open containers of alcoholic beverages are allowed in the library or on library property.
Service animals (dogs or miniature horses) only are allowed in the library. Here's more information on how service animal is defined.
Loitering, defined as "remaining at the library when not engaged in library-related business or activities" is not allowed.
Sleeping, bathing, or storage of personal belongings is not permitted. The library staff will provide information for those in need of temporary shelter, food, counseling, or other emergency services.
Failure to comply with these rules or the directions of staff may result in the individual(s) being excluded from the premises and/or police being summoned on authority of the Administrative Regulations of Montgomery County Public Libraries.
Effective Oct. 21, 2015
Updated August 3, 2023