MCDOT Leaf Collection Posting Log
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Example: 101 Monroe
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Date Sign Posted - the date that the sign was put on the pole.
Planned Start (Round 1 or Round 2) - the date the collection in your neighborhood should start, not necessarily the actual collection date for your street. Weather, leaf volumes, resource availability and operational needs may affect the actual start date. The signs that are posted in neighborhoods do not have dates on them. They have the Collection Area on them, such as 4D. Residents are directed to this web site to get the planned collection start date.
Date Area Started (Round 1 or Round 2) - the date the leaf collection crews actually started in the neighborhood, but not necessarily on your street. In the data table, use the scroll bar at the bottom of the table to see Round 2 information.
Date Area Ended (Round 1 or Round 2) - the date the leaf collection crews actually completed leaf collections in the entire neighborhood . In the data table, use the scroll bar at the bottom of the table to see Round 2 information.
Area - one of 15 numbered Leaf Collection Areas in the Leaf Collection District. The Area and Sub-Area are noted on posters in the appropriate neighborhoods (5A, 12C, 9B, etc.).
Sub-Area - each Leaf Collection Area contains several Sub-Areas, designated by letters (A, B, C, etc.)
Collection Sequence - the order in which the Sub-Areas are collected within the Area, not necessarily in alphabetical order.