Paint the Plow
MCDOT PAINT THE PLOW is BACK for its 4th year!
Join the Montgomery County Department of Transportation for Truck Day 2025 on Saturday, May 17, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Salt Barn, 17000 Crabbs Branch Way in Rockville. This free event will have activities for the entire family and feature the Paint the Plow Middle School Contest Voting, its most anticipated event.
Truck Day will kick off Public Works Week, a nationally recognized week thanking public workers for improving the quality of life of residents. This year’s Public Works theme is “People, Purpose, & Presence,” a tagline used for our Paint the Plow contest to highlight the many facets of our Highway Services professionals’ work. MCDOT Highway Services professionals serve as first responders, close roads during floods, and make those same roads and sidewalks passable after winter storms. Public works employees are always there when our residents need them.
Montgomery County public middle schools are encouraged to participate and use their creativity to decorate a MCDOT snowplow with a unique design and name to raise awareness of the important work our public works professionals do throughout the year.
Public middle school participation is free, and paint supplies are provided.
Register below to have a plow and paint supplies delivered to your middle school on Tuesday, April 22, and picked up on Thursday, May 15. The decorated plows will be taken to Truck Day for event attendees to vote on their favorite designs. First, second, and third-place winners will receive cash prizes for their school.
Learn more about Public Works Week and this year's theme here.
Thank you to all those who participated in our 2024 Paint the Plow Contest and attended our annual Truck Day celebration!
Winners of the 2024 Middle School Paint the Plow Contest:
1st Place: Westland M.S.
2nd Place: Redland M.S.
3rd Place: Roberto Clemente M.S.