Frequently Asked Questions
Q. I came home from work and there are "No Parking" signs posted on my street. Where can I park?
A.Some areas that need to be repaired may be where vehicles normally park on the street. Please make note of the dates on the "No Parking" signs and park your car in an alternate location. We will remove the signs when our work is complete. If you will be home, you may continue to park there. We will knock on your door to ask you to move the car. If you have a driveway, please park in it. There will also be locations that are not posted where you can park. If the grassy area behind the curb or edge of pavement is wide enough, you can park there, taking care not to block sidewalks. Just be sure to be two to three feet away from the edge of the paving to allow for workers and equipment to pass. Please remember, we must perform these repairs and towing may be enforced.
Q. Is there a web site that can give me updates and information?
A. Yes. Our web site is On this page are links to the types of county road repairs.
Q. Will I still have access to my home?
A.Access to your home will be restricted only if we are repairing the road directly in front of your home. In that instance, we ask that you park nearby in an area where we are not working. The workers may be able to direct to a convenient parking location. In any case, our work in front of your house will take only from a few minutes to one or two hours. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.
Q. How can I get out of my driveway?
A. Please alert any worker of your need to exit. The worker will move any equipment or vehicle if it is safe for you to drive through the work area. If there is an excavation in front of your driveway, you may be asked to wait a few minutes while it is filled and compacted. No open excavations will be left on the street after work ends for the day.