Landlord Supports
The Montgomery County Landlord Supports is a partnership that is committed to providing permanent housing to all County residents exiting homelessness.
Are you interested in quickly matching with potential tenants for your rentals? By partnering with Montgomery County’s Services to End and Prevent Homelessness (SEPH), landlords can take advantage of several special incentives while ensuring that their units remain consistently leased. Minimize your risks and increase your reward by directly connecting to resources, supported tenants, and networking opportunities for future partnership.
- Benefits of Partnering
- Summary of Programs
- Landlord Supports Resources
- Registration / Information
- Landlord Risk Mitigation Fund

Rental Assistance Program (RAP)
RAP provides a housing subsidy ranging from $100 to $503 monthly. Payments are sent directly to the participant by 2-party check.

Short-Term Housing and Resolution Program (SHaRP)
SHaRP provides security deposit, 1st month’s rent, and an additional rental subsidy for up to 12 total months. Participant rent contribution is based on income and is calculated up to 40% of their income. Checks are paid directly to the landlord.

Rapid Re-Housing (RRH)
RRH offers a time-limited flexible housing subsidy for up to 12 to 24 months and support services. Participants are expected to pay the full rent upon discharge from the program. Checks are paid directly to the landlord.

Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) & Housing Initiative Program (HIP)
HIP and PSH participants pay 30% of their household’s adjusted gross income directly to the landlord. The remainder is paid directly to the landlord by the housing provider via check. HIP & PSH programs also provide case management to participants. In home visits can provide additional supports occurring 3-4x a month.