Building Projects at MCPL

Montgomery County Public Library’s refurbishment projects are part of the Library Refurbishment Level of Effort, a Capital Improvement Program (CIP) designed to enhance library facilities each year. These projects, approved by the County Council and County Executive, bring significant updates such as new paint, flooring, upgraded plumbing and electrical systems, and redesigned customer service areas. While libraries are closed for renovations, patrons can visit any of the 21 other MCPL locations or access digital services, including e-books and databases, 24/7.

For more details, visit the County Department of Building Design and Construction’s Library Refurbishment webpage or call Library Administration at 240-777-0002.

On This Page

Refurbishment Projects

Building Status
Damascus Library In Progress
Brigadier General Charles E. McGee Library Design Phase
Noyes Library Permitting Phase
Twinbrook Library Assessment Phase