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Summer Reading June 14 - August 31

Montgomery County Public Libraries’ Summer Reading Challenge offers kids and teens a chance to fill their summer with great books and fun activities. This year, we are partnering with the Montgomery Parks Foundation to help preserve our history, increase accessibility, and keep our parks beautiful.

Participating is easy:

  • Sign up (or log in) online or at your local library starting May 15. Begin logging your activities and pick up your free book starting June 14th.
  • Adults must sign up for an account before signing up a child.
  • Children ages 0-12 earn e-badges to complete the program.
  • The last day to pick up Washington Nationals vouchers is August 31st. All other giveaways must be picked up by September 6th.
  • (Optional) Print an Early Literacy (PDF) or Elementary School Age (PDF) gameboard at home or pick one up at your local library.
  • Take our survey in English or Spanish when you've finished the program. Your voice counts!

Children 0-12 can earn e-badges throughout the summer and become a:

Don't forget MCPL's other Summer Reading programs: Teen Summer Reading Adult Summer Reading


Check out our 2024 Summer Reading Challenge YouTube playlist for more videos about the program!

Summer Reading Mascot - Mari Mariposa

Mari Mariposa

Take our mascot, Mari Mariposa (PDF), along on all your summer adventures -- a walk around the neighborhood, on vacation, and anywhere else you go.

Take photos of you and Mari having fun together, and tag #MCPLreads on social media to post pictures of Mari Mariposa’s summer fun!

MCPL's Summer Reading Partners

MCPL and the Washington Nationals are teaming up to encourage reading! The Washington Nationals will give MCPL Summer Reading Challenge participants who earn Badge 2 a voucher for two to attend a regular season game for free. Vouchers are available while supplies last.

MCPL is working with Montgomery Parks Foundation to help preserve our history, increase accessibility and keep our parks beautiful for generations to come!

MCPL and the Friends of the Library Montgomery County are working together to provide a summer full of fun at our libraries! The FOLMC will give MCPL Summer Reading Challenge participants who earn Badge 3 a voucher for a free book from one of two FOLMC bookstore locations. Vouchers are available while supplies last.