Safety Day Volunteer FAQs

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Safety Day! To apply, complete the brief form below.
See the FAQs below for more information.
What time do I need to arrive?
All volunteers should arrive at 850 Hungerford Dr (355) in Rockville by 9:00 a.m. SHARP and check in at the Welcome Desk near the stage.
How do I get there?
We have multiple options for getting to the event. Check out the How do I Get There page.
What should I wear?
You will receive a t-shirt to wear during the event so attendees will recognize volunteers. You will be outside and on your feet, so comfortable shoes are a must. Dress for the weather. Consider layers and hats and sunscreen if the weather is sunny.
What will I be doing?
You will be assigned a role on site and provided instructions. Some roles may include greeters, game host, activity monitor and parking attendants. All volunteers will help with set up and clean-up.
How do I get SSL hours?
You need to check in at the welcome desk when you arrive and check out at the welcome desk to pick up a signed SSL form. You will be required to submit your form to your school’s SSL coordinator.
Who do I contact if I cannot make it?
Email Duwan Morris – Program Manager duwan.morris@montgomerycountymd.gov
IMPORTANT: All volunteers are required to stay the entire duration of the event 9am-4pm. Early departure will result in the potential forfeit of SSL hours.