2019 Comcast Infrastructure Updates

Information about Comcast construction work in Rockville

Comcast Construction

Beginning on April 9, 2019, Comcast will be upgrading its infrastructure.
This will require physical construction and digging in residential areas in and around the City of Rockville.

Scope of Work:

Comcast will be working to improve network performance by installing new fiber in your neighborhood followed by replacing outside plant components. The fiber pre-work will not cause any service interruption to Xfinity customers.

On the day crews are replacing outside plant components there will be a service interruption of several hours to Xfinity customers.


Here is a map of the areas that will be impacted by the upcoming Comcast deep fiber construction work.
Click the map thumbnail below for an interactive map of locations:

Thumbnail image of map with construction areas marked

How will I be notified?

A notice will be mailed to all residents prior to fiber installation (except those opt out of Comcast mailings). Xfinity customers will be notified at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled service interruption via several communication methods including automated voice calls, email alerts and SMS texting (for those users who have chosen to receive text and email alerts).

You can opt in to receive alerts at xfinity.com/construction-alerts

How do I report problems related to this work?

You can report any property damage from the work at 410-989-7010.

If you’re having service issues after the work is completed, please call 1-800-XFINITY.

Examples of Xfinity notification documents:

Xfinity Door Hanger
Xfinity Door Hanger
Xfinity Sample Letter
Xfinity Sample Letter 1
Xfinity Sample Letter 2
Xfinity Sample Letter 2

Xfinity Door Hanger English Xfinity Door Hanger Spanish
