Winter Storm Information Portal


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

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How Can You Help?

How Can You Help?

  • Park your vehicle(s) in your driveway.
  • If you do not have a driveway, then park as close to the curb as you can. Park your car on the EVEN NUMBERED side of the street, if possible. And, move your vehicle to the other side of the street after the plow has cleared it.
  • Residents in cul-de-sacs should park in driveways or parallel to the curb. One misplaced vehicle in a cul-de-sac may prevent it from being plowed.
  • Help avoid the frustration that occurs should a snowplow cover your driveway entrance with snow after you have shoveled. Try to wait to shovel the end of your driveway until the snowplow has made one pass. When shoveling, stand facing the street and shovel snow to the right into the yard instead of into the street. Please remember that snowplows plow to the right and shoveling your driveway snow to the right will help reduce the amount of snow the plow re-deposits across your driveway entrance.
  • Leave your car at home! Ride the Metro or catch a bus. Every car left at home reduces the number of stranded vehicles that slow down snow removal operations.
  • If you must drive, equip your vehicle with snow tires or chains to reduce the risk of getting stuck, damaging your car, blocking traffic and snow removal equipment, or incurring towing and impoundment costs and inconvenience.
  • Do not pull in front of trucks to get up a hill faster!