Challenges in the Street (CITS)


Produced by

10-75 Media Logo

10-75 Media
Digital Media Production Team

Montgomery County Fire & Rescue Service


The ideas and opinions expressed during these presentations represent the views of the participants and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of MCFRS. Where personnel express ideas that are inconsistent with MCFRS policy and/or practice the viewer/listener is cautioned to follow established policies and practices.

Upcoming Episodes

  • No episodes are currently scheduled.

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  1. You must have a Google account to access the YouTube chat area. If you already have an account, you may sign in using those credentials by clicking the sign in button in the top right corner of the page. If you need to create a Google account, it's easy: Simply click on the sign in button in the top right corner of the page, and when the new window opens click Create account and follow the prompts. Additional information on how to use your Google account for YouTube.
  2. Save your login credentials for future CITS broadcasts.
  3. Access the YouTube Broadcast. You may use this link to create an account at any time, and you are encouraged to do it in advance of the presentation.
  4. Questions may be asked using the chat window (if you are signed in) and we will do our best to answer all of them. You do not need to sign in if you are viewing-only but it is preferred.
  5. CCOs who wish to receive credit must enter their FSID at the beginning and end of the presentation to be credited 1-COPDI hour.

Past Episodes

Thumbnail of YouTube video - Episode 1: January Fire Chief's Update and Healthy Habits with MCFRS Peer Support

Episode 1: January Fire Chief's Update and Healthy Habits with MCFRS Peer Support

Air Date
January 10, 2025
Captain Matthew Machala
Fire Chief Corey Smedley
Eric Fessenden (IAFF)
Captain Michael Phillips (CISM/FROMS)
Dr. Rebecca Lee (Psychologist Supervisor)
Edward Rush (CISM Volunteer Representative)
Come join us as the Fire Chief gives his monthly update for January of 2025. The second part of the presentation will include a look into the MCFRS mental health resources. The panel will discuss mental health, resources available, and their plans to better prepare you for doing your job in 2025.
Thumbnail of YouTube video - Episode 6: METRO Operations and New Equipment

Episode 6: METRO Operations and New Equipment

Air Date
November 20, 2024
Captain Matthew Machala
Captain Mark Mechlin
Lieutenant Thomas Bevard
This episode of CITS is going to show the new metro bags with the new equipment that will be issued to frontline units over the next several months. Presenters will also review updates to the metro and heavy rail systems, how a MCFRS Rail Liaison Officer can help personnel on incidents, and best practices related to those incidents.
Thumbnail of YouTube video - Episode 4: MCFRS' Rescue Engines

Episode 4: MCFRS' Rescue Engines

Air Date
April 29, 2024
Captain Matthew Machala
Captain James Randall
Our next Challenges in the Streets episode will feature MCFRS' Rescue Engines. Come get a tour of how these vehicles were designed, equipped, and the why behind their capabilities. This will be a good chance to learn how these resources can assist you during difficult incidents.
Thumbnail of YouTube video - Episode 3: FROMS: Preventing Injuries and Lengthening your Career

Episode 3: FROMS: Preventing Injuries and Lengthening your Career

Air Date
April 10, 2024
Captain Matthew Machala
Dr. Kelsey Tanler
Dr. Kelsey Tanler will be covering the 3 facets of a fire rescue injury prevention and how it can keep you safe and keep your career moving forward. She will be covering her role in the department relating to injury care, injury prevention, and injury prediction. Learn more about how you can use these services to keep you healthy.
Thumbnail of YouTube video - Episode 2: Basic Vehicle Stabilization for Engine Companies

Episode 2: Basic Vehicle Stabilization for Engine Companies

Air Date
March 18, 2024
Captain Matthew Machala
Firefighter Jason Eberly
During this episode we will be covering an overview of how engine companies can assist with stabilization prior to the extrication unit(s) arriving on scene. The discussion will focus on the four most common presentations in vehicle accidents (car on all fours, car on side, car on roof, and married pair), and how the engine company arriving first on scene can better prepare the vehicles for the extrication unit's arrival.
Thumbnail of YouTube video - Episode 1: EMS Myth Busters & Ops Update

Episode 1: EMS Myth Busters & Ops Update

Air Date
February 22, 2024
Captain Matthew Machala
Battalion Chief Ben Kaufman
Battalion Chief Tim Burns
You will hear from EMIHS Chiefs Kaufman and Burns about what is new in their section and what are some myths about what happens in MCFRS EMS. You can also expect an update on priorities and many other discussions.
Thumbnail of YouTube video - Episode 6: High Rise Construction and the Built Environment - Part 2

Episode 6: High Rise Construction and the Built Environment - Part 2

Air Date
December 7, 2023
Captain Matthew Machala
Captain Chris Hallock
Learn how building, fire, and life safety codes have developed over the years and influenced the way complex structures are constructed with regards to incident response and firefighting considerations. Using case-studies of buildings from your first-due response areas, examine the differences between older versus newer buildings, low- and mid-rise versus high-rise buildings, and residential properties versus commercial buildings from the perspective of fire service features. Factors influencing changes in the built environment, such as new construction methods, existing building alterations and additions, and mixed-occupancy buildings, will be introduced. The series will be broken into two parts, with the following fire service features covered respectively:
  • Sprinkler and standpipe systems
  • Fire alarm and emergency voice alarm systems
  • Interior exit stairways
  • Fire doors
  • Elevator hoist way opening protectives
  • Smoke control systems - elevator hoist way pressurization, stairway pressurization, and atrium smoke exhaust systems
  • Fire service access elevators
  • Fire command centers
  • Post-fire smoke removal systems