Montgomery County Fire & Rescue

Driver/Operator Qualification Exams


Driver Training Home

Written Exam Process

Engine, Aerial, Rescue Squad, Brush Truck, and EMS Transport Unit written exams are administered at the PSTA monthly.  Candidates must notify the appropriate Supervisor when they are ready to take the written exam and must email Driver Training  ( e-mail _FRSDriverTraining) directly a minimum of seven (7) days prior to request to take the written examination.

Brush Truck candidates must take a written exam on the Apparatus Written exam days provided below. Brush Truck written exams will no longer be given on the same day as the Practical exam .  There is no written exam for Tanker candidates.
When requesting an exam date, be sure to include the Candidate name, station assignment, date and type of written test you are requesting to attend. Written exams are good for one year, therefore if the candidate doesn't complete the Driver Operator process within the one year time period, the candidate will have to take the written exam again. If the Candidate receives a failing score on the written exam they must wait 30 days before taking the retest. 
**New** Written exams will now be offered on the indicated third Wednesday nights at 1800-2100hrs and indicated third Saturdays at 0800-1100hrs. Exams offered on the second and fourth Wednesdays will now start at 8:00 AM usually in Room 215 on the 2nd floor of the Administrative Building at the PSTA.   Parking is available in the garage immediately on the right as you enter the facility.  You will need your Montgomery County Employee ID.  Click here for a facility map and directions.
Engine, Aerial, Rescue Squad, and EMS Unit
January 2025 8th (A)    15th (B) 1800hrs

  22nd (C)    

February 2025 12th (C) 22nd (A) 0800hrs 26th (B)
March 2025 12th (A) 19th (B) 1800hrs 26th (C)
April 2025 9th (B) 19th (C) 0800hrs 23rd (A)
May 2025 14th (A) 21st (B)1800hrs 28th (C)
June 2025 11th (B) 21st (C) 0800hrs 25th (A)
July 2025 9th (C) 16th (A) 1800hrs 23rd (B)
August 2025 13th (B) 16th (B) 0800hrs 27th (A)
September 2025 10th (C) 17th (A) 1800hrs 24th (B)
October 2025 8th (A) 18th (B) 0800hrs 22nd (C)
November 2025 12th (C) 19th (A) 1800hrs 26th (B)
December 2025 10th (A) 20th (B) 0800hrs

** 23rd (B) to 

avoid Christmas Eve



2/25/2025 @ 0800 2/27/2025 @ 0800
3/11/2025 @ 0800 3/13/2025 @ 0800
3/25/2025 @ 0800 3/27/2025 @ 0800
4/08/2025 @ 0800 4/10/2025 @ 0800
4/22/2025 @ 0800 4/24/2025 @ 0800
5/13/2025 @ 0800 5/15/2025 @ 0800
5/27/2025 @ 0800 5/29/2025 @ 0800
6/10/2025 @ 0800 6/12/2025 @ 0800


Practical Exam Process

  • A full description of the exam request process can be found here .
  • Practical exams for Engine, Aerial, Rescue, and EMS units are administered at the PSTA while on duty.
  • Practical exams for Tankers and Brush Trucks are administered at the station while on duty.
    Exam Type Duration Location
    8 hrs
    (1 day)
    Straight body Aerial and Aerial Tower
    8 hrs
    (1 day)
    Tractor Drawn Aerial
    8 hrs
    (1 day)
    Rescue Squad
    12 hrs
    (1.5 days)
    Tanker 4 hrs In quarters
    Brush Truck 4 hrs In quarters
    EMS transport unit 3 hrs PSTA
  • The tests are scheduled by appointment only through the station chain-of-command. Driver Training does not accept requests directly from the candidate.
  • The candidate's officer must e-mail the exam request with  three proposed dates to the
    Driver Training Program staff. Exams are not conducted on weekends or County holidays. ( e-mail _FRSDriverTraining).  NOTE:  the email address " &FRS.DriverTraining" will not result in an email being received by the Driver Training Program.
  • The station officer is responsible for securing the unit detail and ensuring the apparatus tracker is updated via the chain-of-command.
  • The station officer needs to review the trainee's training package to ensure that all components have been completed prior to test day.
  • Failure to complete pre-requisite assignments will result in cancellation of the exam and the unit will be returned to service.  Pay attention to the list of items included in the test confirmation email.
  • Candidates are responsible for reviewing the Driver Training Program website to ensure they have the most recent versions of the PAGS.
  • If the Candidate receives a failing score on the Practical exam they must wait 30 days before taking the retest. 


Updated 20211208 1058 RDT