Crash Data Update to PBTSAC
A crash data overview showing preliminary 2024 fatality data was shared at the January meeting of the Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee.
Update to Rockville Bicycle Advisory Committee
A Vision Zero implementation update shared with the Rockville Bicycle Advisory Committee.
FY25 Quarter 1 Implementation Update
The Vision Zero Steering Committee published its quarterly update covering July 1 to September 30 showing progress on all 45 action items.
Update to Shady Grove Transportation Management District Advisory Group
An overview of recent and upcoming activities related to Vision Zero was presented at the November 20 meeting of advisory group.
Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Report
The County released its fiscal year 2024 annual report detailing progress made across the plan's 45 action items.
Update to North Bethesda Transportation Management District Advisory Group
An overview of recent and upcoming activities related to Vision Zero was presented at the October 30 meeting of the advisory group.
Safe Streets Act of 2023 Implementation Update to Council
Montgomery County Police, Montgomery County Department of Transportation, and Vision Zero Coordinator gave the County Council's Transportation and Environment Committee an update on implementing the Safe Streets Act of 2023 one year after passage.
Update to Montgomery County Bicycle Action Group (MCBAG)
An overview of recent and upcoming activities related to Vision Zero was presented at the October 17 meeting of the Bicycle Action Group.
Back-to-School Safety Campaign
With over 160,000 students heading to 211 schools on Monday, Aug. 26, County Executive Marc Elrich announced increased law enforcement and outreach efforts focused on drivers who speed, run red lights and do not stop for pedestrians. Kicking off at the beginning of the school year, the Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD) and the Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) will be focused on areas around schools to ensure safe travel to and from school. Read the full campaign details in the press release.
FY25 Work Plan
July 1 was the start of Montgomery County's fiscal year, which marks new funding and new work plan for Vision Zero. Read this year's work plan and this year's Vision Zero budget. See additional work plan highlights on the Vision Zero Twitter/X page.
FY24 Quarter 3 Update
The Vision Zero Steering Committee published its fiscal year 2024 quarter 3 updates covering activity under all 45 action items. See the full quarterly update report.
2024 MGA Session Update to PBTSAC
Staff provided the Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee (PBTSAC) with a summary of bills related to roadway safety considered during the 2024 session of the Maryland General Assembly. The summary slides are available here.
Safety Day 2024
The 2024 class of Vision Zero Youth Ambassadors hosted Safety Day on May 11 at 850 Hungerford Drive. Nearly 2,200 people learned about staying safe while driving, walking, and biking in a fun, festival environment. Check out the fun on MCDOT's Flickr page.
Vision Zero Implementation Update to Mid-County CAB
Staff from the County and State Governments provided a Vision Zero implementation update to the Mid-County Citizen Advisory Board on March 21. The update included new signal and beacon projects, new bikeways, and bus rapid transit.
FY25 Recommended Budget Released
The County Executive transmitted his fiscal year (FY) 2025 recommended budget to the County Council on March 14. The combined capital and operating budget include over $144 million for Vision Zero projects and initiatives. The FY25 recommended budget is a 10% increase over this year and includes over $7 million in grants secured by Montgomery County and Montgomery Parks.
FY24 Quarter 2 Updates
The Vision Zero Steering Committee published its fiscal year 2024 quarter 2 updates covering activity under all 45 action items. See the full quarterly update report.
FY24 Quarter 1 Updates
The Vision Zero Steering Committee published its fiscal year 2024 quarter 1 updates covering activity under all 45 action items. See the full quarterly update report.
Impaired Driving Task Force and Free Rides for Holiday Season
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) and the Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD) have activated a "Holiday Task Force" to detect impaired drivers. Considering the start of the holiday season typically sees an increase in the number of fatal alcohol-related crashes, MCPD will establish sobriety checkpoints and saturation patrols throughout the Thanksgiving to New Year’s holiday period. In addition, local and regional partners including Alcohol Beverage Service, Maryland Highway Safety Office, and Washington Regional Alcohol Program are brining attention to save alternatives to impaired driving including discounts on rideshare. Find a safe ride here.
Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Report Released
The FY23 annual report covering activity under all 45 of the plan's action items is available for download using this link.
Applications being accepted through 12/15 for 2024 Vision Zero Youth Ambassadors
MCDOT is seeking up to 30 Montgomery County high school students to serve as “Vision Zero Youth Ambassadors.” The project-based learning program teaches teens leadership skills, the importance of roadway design, law enforcement, outreach and engagement techniques to address traffic safety needs in their community. Applications are now being accepted through Friday, Dec. 15.
Interested public, private and home-schooled high school students can learn about the program and apply here. The program received 139 applications last year. The program supports the County’s Vision Zero Initiative, whose goal is to eliminate traffic-related severe injuries and deaths. Youth Ambassadors have an opportunity to help the County work toward the goal by becoming road safety leaders in their communities while earning up to 35 Student Service Learning credits. Learn more here.
Vision Zero Update to Aspen Hill Civic Association
County staff provided an update on Vision Zero projects in and around the Aspen Hill area at the Aspen Hill Civic Association's fall meeting. The slides can be found at this link.
Walk to School Day + Pedestrian Safety Month
Montgomery County kicked off Pedestrian Safety Month and "Walktober" with a celebration of Walk to School Day at Brook Grove Elementary in Olney. This month kicks off Walking Wednesdays with a different school each week celebrating walking and biking to school. The Department of Transportation will host community meetings about recently completed walkability audits and recommendations for 3 Elementary Schools: Forest Knolls, New Hampshire Estates, and North Chevy Chase. Additional events can be found on the Vision Zero community calendar.
Impacts for Safe Streets Act of 2023
The County Council will take up Bill 11-23 the "Safe Streets Act of 2023" on September 19. As the bill moved out of committee, County Government staff provided an updated crash reduction and fiscal impact statement. As of the decisions made through the June 29 committee session, the bill is expected to eliminate 4-6 crashes involving a motor vehicle driver striking a person walking or biking with potentially 1 serious/fatal crash a year. The estimated cost to implement all elements of the bill ranged from $1.1 to $1.6 million.
Cross Safe with Abuelina!
Abuelina is here to help everyone safely navigate newly installed pedestrian hybrid beacons (PHBs). Learn more about Abuelina and the new campaign on the Cross Safe website.
Fiscal Years 2024-2025 Work Plan Released
Under the Vision Zero 2030 Action Plan, the County Government provides detailed two-year work plans tied to the existing budget and secured grants to show residents and elected officials what will be done over the next two fiscal years. The latest work plan, covering fiscal years 2024 and 2025, was released on July 1 and can be found on the Action Plan website.
Brief to PBTSAC on Next Vision Zero Work Plan
The Vision Zero Coordinator provided an overview and a copy of the County's Fiscal Years 2024 and 2025 Vision Zero Work Plan on June 8. The overview slides are available at this link. The draft two-year work plan is available at this link.
Vision Zero Update to Transportation Management District Advisory Committees
The Vision Zero Coordinator provided an update on Vision Zero and projects underway in the County's Transportation Management Districts on May 25. The update slides are available at this link.
FY23 Quarter 3 Updates
The Vision Zero Steering Committee posted updates on all 45 action items underway for the FY23 Vision Zero Work Plan. Highlights from the quarter included work on changing State laws during the 90-day legislative session, continued progress on the Bethesda bike network, and an update on the Old Georgetown Road bike lanes. See the full update here.
Update to Pedestrian, Bicycle, Traffic Safety Advisory Committee
At the April meeting of the Pedestrian, Bicycle, Traffic Safety Advisory Committee (PBTSAC), the committee received updates on the 2023 State Legislative Session and the development of the next two-year work plan. Slides are available at this link.
Annual Highway Safety Summit & New Fatal Crash Dashboard
Montgomery County safety professionals joined colleagues from across the state for the 2023 Highway Safety Summit. Local, state, and federal transportation officials came together to discuss ways to curb roadway tragedies by urging motorists to slow down, put the phone away, buckle up, drive sober and always stay alert and exercise caution around pedestrians and bicyclists. They also unveiled a new Crash Fatality Dashboard, which puts comprehensive statewide crash data at the fingertips of the public and highway safety professionals.
Vision Zero Update to Criminal Justice Coordinating Commission
The Vision Zero Coordinators for the County and State provided an update on Vision Zero and Zero Deaths Maryland to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Commission (CJCC) on March 22. The County's update slides are available at this link.
FY23 Quarter 2 Updates
The County posted updates on all 45 action items underway for the FY23 Vision Zero Work Plan. Highlights from the quarter included substantial construction completed for the White Flint (North Bethesda) Workaround, bike lanes added by SHA along Old Georgetown Road, Council adoption of a new road code, and 291 impaired drivers taken off the road as part of the Holiday Alcohol Task Force. See the full update here.
2023 Vision Zero Youth Ambassadors Session #1
Over 30 high school students started work as part of the 2023 cohort of Vision Zero Youth Ambassadors. Over the coming months, the ambassadors will work together in teams of five to advance their projects to save lives on our roadways. During the first session, the ambassadors heard from a mother whose son was killed while walking in Montgomery County, received an overview of Vision Zero and the Safe System Approach, and started work on their team projects. Their work will culminate in a graduation ceremony this May.
Update to Silver Spring Citizens Advisory Committee
Vision Zero Coordinator Wade Holland provided the Silver Spring Citizens Advisory Committee an update on projects and crash trends at the committee's January 9 meeting. A copy of the Vision Zero presentation is available through this link.
Dedication of Protected Intersection and FY23Q1 Update Published
Montgomery County Executive Elrich, County Council President Albornoz, Council Vice President Glass, and Councilmember Friedson dedicated the new protected intersection where two new cycletracks meet along Woodmont Avenue and Bethesda Avenue in Downtown Bethesda. At the event, the County also highlighted accomplishments from fiscal year 2022 and the first quarter of fiscal year 2023.
Vision Zero Update to PBTSAC
Vision Zero Coordinator provided the Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee (PBTSAC) with an update on year-to-date crash statistics and projects implemented during fiscal year 2022. The slides can be found at this link.
DC Area Vision Zero Coordinators Presentation to Age-Friendly Ecosystem Summit
Vision Zero Coordinators from Montgomery County, Prince George's County, Arlington County, and the District of Columbia shared about their programs at the November 9 Age-Friendly Ecosystem Summit. The slides can be found at this link.
Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Report
The Vision Zero Steering Committee released its fiscal year 2022 annual report. The report shows the progress made on implementing the County's 2030 Action Plan. A copy of the report can be found at this link.
Implementation Update to Montgomery County Council
On Tuesday, September 20, members of the Vision Zero Steering Committee will provide the County Council with an update on implementation of Vision Zero for fiscal year 2022. The County's presentation can be found at this link.
Vision Zero Website Refresh
The Vision Zero website has been refreshed to make it easier to find information about our Vision Zero efforts! The Action Plan and 2030 Plan pages have been merged so you can see the current work plan, past work plans, and relevant Vision Zero reports all in one place. The data page now includes links to the State of Maryland's new crash data resources and Montgomery Planning's interactive crash data explorer. The "Get Involved" page has new resources from the County and State listed. Having issues finding what you need after the refresh? Reach out to the team at
Vision Zero Youth Ambassador Graduation
The 2022 Vision Zero Youth Ambassadors celebrated their final Saturday in the program with a graduation ceremony and lunch at the County's Public Safety Headquarters in Gaithersburg on June 11. The ceremony included speeches from the Ambassadors, and representatives from the County Executive, Fire, Police, and Transportation departments. Photos from the event are on the Pedestrian Safety Flickr page .
Update to PBTSAC
The County provided an update on Vision Zero implementation and current crash trends at the May 26 meeting of the Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee (PBTSAC). See the presentation slides here and the quarterly updates here .
Fiscal Year 2022 Quarter 3 Implementation Report Released
The Vision Zero Steering Committee released its third quarterly report for this year's work plan. See all the updates here .
Apply to be a Vision Zero Youth Ambassador!
Starting March 1, Montgomery County high school students can apply to be a Vision Zero Youth Ambassador. The goal of the Vision Zero youth ambassador program is to equip young adults to be the next generation of traffic safety leaders in their community. The program will educate Montgomery County high school students about traffic safety and the importance of roadway design, law enforcement, and education to achieve the goal of Vision Zero. Ambassadors that complete the program will gain extensive knowledge about Vision Zero and earn up to 20 Student Service-Learning Hours (SSL). Learn more about the program and how to apply at the Vision Zero Youth Ambassador homepage.
Vision Zero Implementation Update to SSCAB TREE
Vision Zero Coordinator Wade Holland provided an update on Vision Zero implementation and the potential impacts on the County with the rollout of the US Department of Transportation's National Safety Strategy to the Silver Spring Citizen's Advisory Board Transportation, Energy, and Environment (TREE) Committee. See the presentation slides here .
Fiscal Year 2022 Quarter 2 Implementation Report Released
The Vision Zero Steering Committee released its second quarterly report for this year's work plan. See all the updates here .
Vision Zero Implementation Update to Bicycle Action Group (MCBAG)
Vision Zero Coordinator Wade Holland provided an update on Vision Zero implementation and current crash trends on February 23. See the presentation slides here .
Vision Zero Implementation Update to PBTSAC
Vision Zero Coordinator Wade Holland provided an update on Vision Zero implementation and current crash trends on January 27. See the presentation slides here .
Applications being accepted until 1/7/2022 for Vision Zero Research Fellowship
Join the Vision Zero team! The County is accepting applications for a paid Research Fellow to join the team during the spring semester to work on a variety of projects. As a Research Fellow, you will work alongside the Vision Zero Coordinator and County leadership in departments such as Transportation, Police, Public Information, and Fire/Rescue Service to advance the Vision Zero Work Plan. The program is open to current college juniors, seniors, graduate students, and recent graduates. Learn more and apply using this link .
New Safe Rides Page Launched
As part of the County's goal to keep impaired drivers off our roads this holiday season, a new resource page was added to the Vision Zero website including contact information to ride-share, taxis, and public transit options to find a safe ride home. The page will be regularly updated to include information about active discounts during holidays. Learn more on the Safe Rides webpage .
Update to PBTSAC
Vision Zero Coordinator Wade Holland provided an update on Vision Zero implementation and current crash trends on October 21. See the presentation slides here .
Quarter One Updates on Implementing Annual Work Plan
The Vision Zero Steering Committee provided its first public update on the implementation of the Fiscal Year 2022 Work Plan. See updates on all action items here .
Vision Zero Overview for Northwood Four Corners Civic Association
Vision Zero Coordinator Wade Holland provided an overview of the Vision Zero initiative and ongoing safety projects and campaigns to the Northwood Four Corners Civic Association on October 13. See the presentation slides here .
Work Plan for County Fiscal Years 2022 and 2023 Now Online!
As part of the Vision Zero 2030 Plan, the County created a new two-year work plan to begin making immediate progress on the 45 action items. See what is in the works by reading the work plan .
Vision Zero Update to Transportation Management District Advisory Committees
Vision Zero Coordinator Wade Holland provided an update on the implementation of Vision Zero as part of the Transportation Management District Advisory Committee meeting on September 30. See the presentation slides here .
Vision Zero Update to Commission on Aging
Vision Zero Coordinator Wade Holland provided the Commission on Aging an update on the implementation of Vision Zero as well as projects and campaigns focused on the safety of older residents. See the presentation slides here .
Fatal Crash Review Team Report for 2017 Crashes Released
As part of the 2018-19 Vision Zero Action Plan, the County developed a Fatal Crash Review Team to take a multidisciplinary deep-dive into fatal crashes occurring in Montgomery County. The Team has finished its review of fatal crashes occurring in 2017 and released its findings and recommendations. The report can be found here .
Vision Zero Update to County Council
Montgomery County, State Highway Administration, and Montgomery Planning briefed the County Council on implementing Vision Zero and the status of the Vision Zero 2030 Action Plan during the Council's June 29 meeting. See all the presentations as well as written responses on the Council website .
Vision Zero Update to Mid-County Citizens Advisory Board
Vision Zero Coordinator Wade Holland provided the Mid-County Citizens Advisory Board an update on the development of the Vision Zero 2030 Action Plan and projects in the Mid-County region at their June meeting. See the presentation slides here .
2030 Action Plan Comment Period Closes Mon. 6/21
County Executive March Elrich released the Vision Zero 2030 Action Plan and FY22-23 Work Plan on April 15 for public review and comment. The final opportunity to comment on the plan will be Monday, June 21. Read the plan and provide feedback on the 2030 Plan Website.
2030 Action Plan Released for Public Comment
County Executive March Elrich released the Vision Zero 2030 Action Plan and FY22-23 Work Plan on April 15 for public review and comment. As part of the comment period, an online survey and series of listening sessions are planned. Read the plan and provide feedback on the 2030 Plan website.
Update on Vision Zero to Silver Spring Citizens Advisory Board
Vision Zero Coordinator Wade Holland provided an overview of Vision Zero, upcoming projects, and crash data to the Silver Spring Citizens Advisory Board on Monday, April 12. View the SSCAB April Presentation .
Preliminary 2020 Crash Data
Preliminary 2020 crash data were presented to the Pedestrian, Bicycle, Traffic Safety Advisory Committee during its March meeting. View the presentation here .
Update on Vision Zero to Civic Federation
Vision Zero Coordinator Wade Holland provided an update to the Montgomery County Civic Federation on current and upcoming Vision Zero projects and campaigns. View the presentation here .
Update on Vision Zero to Vision Zero Conference
As part of Councilmember Evan Glass’ Vision Zero Conference on January 23, Executive Branch staff provided attendees with updates on recent and upcoming projects and campaigns. Vision Zero Coordinator Wade Holland provided an overview of preliminary crash numbers from 2020 and upcoming Vision Zero projects and Montgomery County Department of Transportation staff provided an update on recent Safe Routes to Schools projects .
Update on Vision Zero to Commission on People with Disabilities
Vision Zero Coordinator Wade Holland provided the Commission on People with Disabilities with an overview of Vision Zero related plans, projects, and campaigns that were done in 2020 and what is coming up in 2021. You can read the update using this link .
Impaired-Driving Enforcement Continues with Holiday Alcohol Task Force
The Montgomery County Police Holiday Alcohol Task Force will be devoting their full time and attention to detecting alcohol-related offenses this holiday season. The task force is comprised of officers from: the Alcohol Initiatives Section and patrol officers from the six police districts, officers from the Gaithersburg Police Department, the Maryland National Capital Park Police Department – Montgomery County Division, the Maryland Transportation Authority, the Takoma Park Police Department, troopers from Maryland State Police, sheriff deputies from the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office, and officials from the Montgomery County Alcohol Beverage Services Alcohol Enforcement Team. The task force begins November 18 and will continue through January 9, 2021.
Construction Starts on Capital Crescent Surface Trail
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) has started construction on the Capital Crescent Surface Trail in Bethesda. The Capital Crescent Surface Trail (CCST) is a separated two-way bike lane along the northern side of Bethesda Avenue between Woodmont Avenue and Wisconsin Avenue, MD 355. East of Wisconsin Avenue, the two-way separated bike lane will continue along the southern side of Willow Lane to 47th Street. A shared-use path is planned along the Elm Street Park’s 47th Street frontage. Follow construction progress on MCDOT DTE's Twitter page and learn about all upcoming Bethesda Loop bike projects at MCDOT Project Page .
Celebrate Walktober
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) has partnered with State and local agencies, nonprofits and communities across Maryland to celebrate “Walktober,” a month-long series of activities and virtual webinars in October promoting the State’s official exercise: walking. “Walktober” features celebration of the sixth annual Walk Maryland Day on Wednesday, Oct. 7, as well as a series of webinars focusing on pedestrian safety, health and walking a commuting option. Maryland named walking as the official State exercise in October 2008. Learn more about upcoming Walkinars and Walk Maryland Day at MDOT Walktober page and about the County's Walking Wednesdays at MCDOT Pedestrian Safety page .
Final Weekend for Back-to-School Bike Tour
The Montgomery County Departments of Transportation and Recreation have partnered to sponsor a series of bike safety events for Montgomery County children ages 8 - 11. Participants learn the basics of safe cycling and maintenance by using a bike course set up in a parking lot and encouragement from socially-distant County staff. All participants receive a free helmet. Due to the public health emergency, families must pre-register and spaces are limited to only 20 participants at each event. The final four events will be held Saturday, October 3 and Sunday, October 4. Full details on times and locations are available on the MCDOT Pedestrian Safety page .
Complete Streets Guidelines Being Reviewed by Planning Board
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) and Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (MNCPPC) have released a draft of the “Montgomery County Complete Streets Design Guide” for public review. Complete Streets will define future design guidelines for roads in Montgomery County’s new and redeveloped projects. After public comment period this summer, the Guide is not under review by the Planning Board for consideration before going to the County Council. Read the first draft on MCDOT's webpage .
Middlebrook Rd Safety Project Under Construction
As part of the Vision Zero 2020 Action Plan, MCDOT committed to implementing an interim road diet along Middlebrook Rd in Germantown. This innovative project utilized an existing repaving project to re-stripe the lanes and add a cycle track at a lower cost than a typical standalone project. Construction is currently underway and scheduled to be completed in October 2020. Learn more Project page .
Update on Vision Zero to the PBTSAC
The Vision Zero Coordinator provided updates on the 10-year plan development and progress on the 2020 Action Plan . PBTSAC meetings happen every other month on the fourth Thursday of the month.
Kickoff of 10-Year Plan and Community Survey
Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich, County Council Vice President Tom Hucker and Vision Zero Coordinator Wade Holland joined together in a virtual event on June 18 to discuss the 10-year plan for the County’s Vision Zero program that seeks to eliminate serious and fatal traffic crashes. They also launched a new survey that seeks to gather the ideas of residents to improve safety for walking, biking, rolling and driving.
Complete Streets Guidelines Released for Public Review
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) and Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (MNCPPC) have released a draft of the “Montgomery County Complete Streets” for public review. Complete Streets will define future design guidelines for roads in Montgomery County’s new and redeveloped projects. Read and provide comments on the first draft on MCDOT's webpage.
MCDOT Launches Shared Streets Initiative to Support Safe Outdoor Activity and Economic Recovery
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) has launched its new “Shared Streets” program to support safe, physically distanced activity as the County enters Phase I of recovery from the COVID-19 health crisis. The initiative will involve looking for temporary ways to modify existing uses of County sidewalks, roads, on-street parking and parking lots to provide extra space residents and businesses could use to comply with Centers for Disease Control (CDC) spacing guidelines. More information can be found at:
Soliciting Contractor Support for Developing 10-Year Vision Zero Strategy
The Vision Zero Program is seeking contractual support for community outreach and workgroup facilitation that will assist in building the Vision Zero 10-Year Strategy. Community outreach will start this spring under Phase I and workgroup facilitation will start this fall under Phase II. Phase I community outreach contract is reserved for registered vendors in the Local Small Business Reserve Program. Phase II is open to any qualified contractor. Proposals are due by Friday, May 29, 2020. See the links below for the full scope of work for each proposal.
- Phase I Community Outreach (spring and fall 2020)
- Phase II Workgroup Facilitation (fall 2020)
Updates to Bethesda, Silver Spring, and Friendship Heights Transportation Management Advisory Committees
The Vision Zero Program provides regular updates to community organizations and government advisory boards about the program, on-going and scheduled projects in their neighborhood, and to solicit resident input. The weeks of May 11 and May 18, 2020 had virtual updates to 3 Transportation Management Districts. Links to the presentations are below:
- Bethesda (May 15)
- Friendship Heights (May 19)
- Silver Spring (May 21)
First Annual Safety Week May 4 - 8
The week's goal is to remind parents and children about the importance of pedestrian, bicycle, and traffic safety, through online interactive activities. Children will have the opportunity to choose from various daily activities that will start the conversation about safety while walking and biking. An online calendar will be available for students to track progress and submit at the end of the week. While stressing the need to be safe and look out for others in all forms of being mobile, Virtual Safety Week will feature many at home interactive and creative activities, video demonstrations raffles and giveaways. Participate at Safety Week's website.
Update on Vision Zero Projects to North Bethesda TMD Advisory Committee
The Vision Zero Program provides regular updates to community organizations and government advisory boards about the program, on-going and scheduled projects in their neighborhood, and to solicit resident input. Recent updates were given to the North Bethesda Transportation Management District Advisory Committee on April 29. A copy of the presentation is available using this link.
Department of Transportation Awarded Grant for Safety Improvements for Blind and Low-Vision Pedestrians and Transit Riders
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) has been awarded $80,000 in technical assistance by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments’ Transportation Planning Board (TPB) as a part of its Transportation Land-Use Connections Program for Fiscal Year 2021. The grant will go to MCDOT’s “Visually Impaired Urban Navigation Study and Pilot Design” project to examine technology and design tools to support visually impaired people who are navigating urban environments. The project will make recommendations on how to support safe navigation by blind and low-vision pedestrians to and from transit in dense urban areas. Consultants will design a pilot program focused on Downtown Silver Spring.
First Annual Safety Day *CANCELLED*
Montgomery County's first ever Safety Day fair to encourage drivers, bicyclists, and walkers to look out for each other and take steps to enhance road safety has been cancelled due to the current public health emergency. We look forward to seeing you at Safety Day 2021!
Vision Zero Program Updates to Community Groups
The Vision Zero Program provides regular updates to community organizations and government advisory boards about the program, on-going and scheduled projects in their neighborhood, and to solicit resident input. Recent updates were given to the Mid-County Citizens Advisory Board, Bicycle Advisory Group, Western Montgomery County Citizens Advisory Board, Shady Grove TMD, and the Commission on People with Disabilities. Scheduled meetings with the remaining Transportation Management District Advisory Boards and two additional community groups have been cancelled due to the current public health emergency and will be rescheduled.
Vision Zero Program Update to County Council
The Vision Zero Team updated the Montgomery County Council on January 28 about the new 2020 work plan. Copies of the County's presentation can be found at this link.
Launch of 2020 Workplan and New Coordinator Hired
Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich today introduced Wade Holland as the new fulltime coordinator of the County's Vision Zero program and addressed the next steps he wants implemented to keep pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers safe. See County Press Release for details and photos of the launch event.