Fenton Village Bicycle & Pedestrian Projects
The Fenton Village Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects are three related projects in the Fenton Village and downtown Silver Spring areas. They are in various stages of planning and design.
The projects are:
- Fenton Street / MD 410 Intersection Redesign
- East Silver Spring Neighborhood Greenway
- Fenton Street Cycletrack
Fenton Street / MD 410 Intersection Redesign
The intersection of Fenton Street and MD 410 was built with high-speed right turn ramps on the northern half of the intersection. These elements add additional, impervious surface and do not represent a safe design for pedestrians and cyclists. MCDOT is undertaking a redesign of this intersection to improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety and to reduce the amount of impervious surface.
While this project was initially intended to be constructed before the rest of the Fenton Street Cycletrack project, permitting delays have made it better to construct it at the same time as the Fenton Street Cycletrack project. See updates in the Fenton Street Cycletrack section below.
East Silver Spring Neighborhood Greenway
East Silver Spring Neighborhood Greenway project webpage
The East Silver Spring Neighborhood Greenway project grew out of the Grove Street Neighborhood Greenway Pilot. The project is currently in design and will result in traffic calming and pedestrian and bicyclist safety improvements along Woodbury Drive, Silgo Avenue, Grove Street, Bonifant Street, Cedar Street, and Houston Street. More detailed information is available on the East Silver Spring Neighborhood Greenway project webpage.
At present, the temporary Grove Street Pilot treatments are still in place along Grove Street. Most of those will be converted to permanent treatments as part of the East Silver Spring Neighborhood Greenway project. Additionally, the walking lane will be converted to a sidewalk.
The East Silver Spring Neighborhood Greenway project will also add similar treatments to other streets in the area to create a linear neighborhood greenway stretching from the intersection of Fenton Street and Philadelphia Avenue to Cedar Street and Wayne Avenue. A sidewalk will also be added to Houston Street.
A neighborhood greenway is a street where the mobility of pedestrians and cyclists is made a priority and the speed of drivers is reduced through treatments. Through vehicle trips on these streets are discouraged to reduce the number of vehicles.
We held a community meeting to discuss proposed treatments in November 2023. We expect to go before the Montgomery County Planning Board in late Summer 2024. At this time construction is unlikely to occur any earlier than late Spring 2025, and construction may happen on different elements at different times, not as one project. Stay tuned for more information.
Fenton Street Cycletrack
The Fenton Street Cycletrack project will provide a two-way cycletrack on the west side of Fenton Street from Burlington Avenue (MD 410) to Cameron Street. A shared-use path on the west side of Fenton Street will connect Burlington Avenue to the Metropolitan Branch Trail at King Street. This project will include bicyclist and pedestrian safety elements along the length of the corridor, including a raised curb between the bikeway and the roadway, protected intersection corner islands, bicycle signals and left turn phase protection, and pedestrian and accessibility upgrades.
The design reached 95% in Fall 2023 and MCDOT is currently working to finalize the design and the relocation of utilities. As of Spring 2024, the acquisition of needed right-of-way and temporary construction easements is underway. Final permitting is also underway. We expect both of these processes to be completed in Fall 2024. Construction is expected to begin in early 2025 and is likely to last 18 to 24 months.
The Fenton Street / MD 410 Intersection Project will be constructed as a part of the Fenton Street Cycletrack Project.
The Fenton Street Cycletrack is in final design and we expect all permits and right-of-way acquisition to be complete by Fall 2024. Construction is expected to start in early 2025 and last 18 to 24 months.
The East Silver Spring Neighborhood Greenway has completed 30% design and a hearing before the Montgomery County Planning Board in late summer 2024. Construction is unlikely to start until late spring 2025 and may occur in segments, rather than all at once.
Project Newsletters
- Newsletter 1 (Jan 2020)
- Newsletter 1 (optimized for screen readers)
- Newsletter 2 (Feb 2020)
- Newsletter 2 (optimized for screen readers)
- Newsletter 3 (June 2020)
- Newsletter 3 (optimized for screen readers)
- Newsletter 4 (Sept 2020)
- Newsletter 4 (optimized for screen readers)
- Boletín Informativo de Proyectos Número 4 (Sept. 2020)
- Newsletter 5 (Jan 2021)
- Newsletter 5 (optimized for screen readers)
- Boletín Informativo de Proyectos Número 5 (Jan 2021)
- Newsletter 6 (April 2021)
- Newsletter 6 (optimized for screen readers)
- Boletin Informativo de Proyectos Numero 6 (Abril 2021)
- Newsletter 7 (June 2021)
- Newsletter 7 (optimized for screen readers)
- Boletin Informativo de Proyectos Numero 7 (Junio 2021)
- Newsletter 8 (November 2021)
- Newsletter 8 (optimized for screen readers)
- Boletin Informativo de Proyectos Numero 8 (Noviembre 2021)
- Newsletter 9 (May 2022)
- Newsletter 9 (optimized for screen readers)
- Newsletter 10 (November 2022)
- Newsletter 10 (optimized for screen readers)
- Newsletter 11 (May 2024)
- Newsletter 11 (optimized for screen readers)
November 2022 Project Update
- Video Update
- Slides from Video (PDF)
- Fenton Street Cycle Track Plans:
- Fenton Street Cycletrack Typical Sections:
December 7, 2021 Fenton Street Cycletrack & Fenton / MD 410 Intersection Meeting
Meeting Presentation
Fenton Street / Md 410 Intersection Redesign
Fenton Street Cycle Track
- Fenton Cycle Track Roll Map - North
- Fenton Cycle Track Roll Map - South
- Fenton Street Typical Sections - Ellsworth District
- Fenton Street Typical Sections - Fenton Village
- Fenton Street Typical Sections - North Silver Spring District
June 22, 2021 Fenton Street Cycletrack Meeting
November 18, 2020 Fenton Street Meeting
July 15, 2020 & September 29, 2020 Grove Street Meetings
- For Grove Street project resources, please visit the Resources tab on the Grove Street webpage.
Fenton Street Bikeway Study
- Fenton Street Bikeway Study
- Fenton Street Bikeway Alternative A
- Fenton Street Bikeway Alternative B
- Fenton Street Bikeway Alternative C
- Fenton Street Bikeway Alternative D
- Fenton Street Bikeway Alternative E - SELECTED ALTERNATIVE
- Fenton Street Bikeway Alternative F
- Fenton Street Bikeway Alternative G
- Appendices A-K
Fenton Street / MD 410 Intersection Redesign
January 21, 2020 Community Meeting Materials
Fenton Street Bikeway
- Intro Board
- Existing Conditions Map #1 (Gist Ave to Cameron St)
- Existing Conditions Map #2 (Wayne Ave to Cameron St)
- Southern Segment (Gist Ave to Wayne Ave) - Alternatives A & B
- Southern Segment (Gist Ave to Wayne Ave) - Alternatives B2 through D
- Southern Segment (Gist Ave to Wayne Ave) - Alternative E
- Southern Segment (Gist Ave to Wayne Ave) - Intersection Concepts
- Central Segment Alternatives #1 - (Wayne Ave to Ellsworth Dr)
- Central Segment Alternatives #2 - (Ellsworth Dr to Colesville Rd)
- Northern Segment Alternatives - (Colesville Rd to Cameron St)
Grove Street Neighborhood Greenway Project
Fenton Street / MD 410 Intersection Redesign
Matt Johnson, A.I.C.P.
Bikeways Coordinator
Division of Transportation Engineering
100 Edison Park Dr., 4th Floor
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
E-mail: Matt.Johnson@montgomerycountymd.gov
Phone: 240-777-7237