Public Hearing Access and Exhibits                              

LMA H-149, Glenmont Forest Investors, LLC

Hearing:  Friday, June 14, 2024, 9:30a.m. EST


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 Exhibit List

Exhibit 1.  LMA Application
Exhibit 2. Authorization Letter
Exhibit 3. Draft Declaration of Covenants
Exhibit 4. Application Justification - revised and submitted as Ex. 45
Exhibit 5. Certified Zoning Map
Exhibit 6. Mailing List: Adjoining/Abutting Property Owner, HOA's & Civic Associations
Exhibit 7. Financial Disclosure Statement
Exhbiti 8. ID Plat 
Exhibit 9. Legal Description of Metes and Bounds
Exhibit 10. Floating Zone Plan - revised and submitted as Ex. 30
Exhibit 11. Floating Zone Application Cover Sheet - revised and submitted as Ex. 29
Exhibit 12. Existing Conditions Plan - revised and submitted as Ex. 31
Exhibit 13. Map of the Glenmont Neighborhood
Exhibit 14. Approved NRI/FSD
Exhibit 15. Subdivision Plan - revised and submitted as Ex. 32
Exhibit 16. Notes and Details - revised and submitted as Ex. 33
Exhibit 17. Road Sections - revised and submitted as Ex. 34
Exhibit 18. Public Open Space - revised and submitted as Ex. 35
Exhibit 19. Vehicular Ciculation - revised and submitted as Ex. 36
Exhibit 20. Bicycle Circulation - revised and submitted as Ex. 37
Exhibit 21. Pedestrian Circulation - revised and submitted as Ex. 38
Exhibit 22. Height Exhibit - revised and submitted as Ex. 39 
Exhibit 23. Phasing Plan
Exhibit 24. LATR - revised and submitted as Ex. 40
Exhibit 25. Notice of Public Hearing sent 5/14/24
Exhibit 26. Applicant's Pre-Hearing Statement. received 5/15/24
Exhibit 27. Email from Richard Takamoto to Council re: H-149, responses from Livhu Nduo, Sara Behanna. 5/21-5/23/24
Exhibit 28. Emails between Sara Behanna and Richard Takamoto re:  concerns in Ex. 27. 5/23/24
Exhibit 29. Revised Ex. 11 - Floating Zone Application Cover Sheet. Submitted 5/23/24
Exhibit 30. Revised Ex. 10 - Floating Zone Plan. Submitted 5/23/24
Exhibit 31. Revised Ex. 12 - Existing Conditions Plan. Submitted 5/23/24
Exhibit 32. Revised Ex. 15 - Subdivision Plan. Submitted 5/23/24
Exhibit 33. Revised Ex. 16 - Notes and Details. Submitted 5/23/24
Exhibit 34. Revised Ex. 17 - Road Sections Plan. Submitted 5/23/24
Exhibit 35. Revised Ex. 18 - Public Open Space Plan. Submitted 5/23/24
Exhibit 36. Revised Ex. 19 - Vehicular Circulation Plan. Submitted 5/23/24
Exhibit 37. Revised Ex. 20 - Bicycle Circulation Plan. Submitted 5/23/24
Exhibit 38. Revised Ex. 21 - Pedestrian Circulation Plan. Submitted 5/23/24
Exhibit 39. Revised Ex. 22 - Height Exhibit. Submitted 5/23/23
Exhibit 40. Revised Ex. 24 - LATR. Submitted 5/23/24
Exhibit 41. Sight Distance, Erskine Ave. at Glenallan Ave. Submitted 5/23/24
Exhibit 42. Sight Distance, Erskine Ave. at Randolph Rd. Submitted 5/23/24
Exhibit 43. Sight Distance, Street A at Randolph Rd. Submitted 5/23/24
Exhibit 44. Sight Distance Exhibit. Submitted 5/23/24
Exhibit 45. Revised Ex. 4 - Application Justification. Submitted 5/23/24
Exhibit 46. Planning Board Recommendation Letter (6/3/24) and Technical Staff Report (5/20/24)
Exhibit 47. Applicant's presentation. 6/7/24
Exhibit 48. Opposition Letter from Beverly O'Brien. 6/11/24. 
Exhibit 49. Opposition Letter from Lindsay Roe. 6/11/24
Exhibit 50.  Opposition Letter from Jan-Paul Kopinski. 6/12/24
Exhibit 51.  Opposition Letter from 6 Community Members. 6/12/24
       List of Signatories:

  1. Linda Bidlack and David Naden  2020 Wallace Ave.
  2. Jan-Paul Kopinski  2010 Wallace Ave.
  3. Maya Williams  2022 Wallace Ave.
  4. Angel Betancourt  2012 Wallace Ave.
  5. Farah Nageer-Kanthor   2003 Glenallan Ave.
  6. Miranda Carrington   2032 Wallace Ave.

Exhibit 52.  Opposition Letter from 7 Community Members. 6/12/24
List of Signatories:

  1. Leopoldo Villegas  2008 Glenallan Ave.
  2. Bradley Larsen   2006 Wallace Ave.
  3. Cecilia Castro de & Jeffrey Anderson   2009 Erskine Ave.
  4. Etienne Marcoux   2005 Erskine Ave.
  5. Lindsay Roe   2005 Erskine Ave.
  6. Beverly O’Brien   2012 Glenallan Ave.

Exhibit 53.  Opposition Letter from Etienne Marcoux. 6/12/24
Exhibit 54.  Opposition Letter from Cecilia Castro de Anderson. 6/12/24
Exhibit 55.  Opposition Letter from Leopoldo Villegas. 6/12/24
Exhibit 55(a).  Email re:  dissemintation of info. 6/12/24
Exhibit 56.  Opposition Letter from Maya Williams. 6/12/24
Exhibit 57.  Affidavit of Posting. Received at hearing 6/14/24
Exhibit 58.  Updated Decleration of Covenants. Received at hearing 6/14/24
Exhibit 59.  Forest Conservation Plan. Received at hearing 6/14/24
Exhibit 60.  Drainage Area Pictures. Received at hearing 6/14/24
Exhibit 61.  Existing Drainage Area.  Received at hearing 6/14/24
Exhibit 62.  Proposed Drainage Area.  Received at hearing 6/14/24
Exhibit 63.  Letter of Opposition from Richard Takamoto.
Exhibit 64.  Letter of Opposition from James Johnston. 6/14/24
Exhibit 65.  Letter of Opposition from Vicki Vergagni
Exhibit 66.  Vicki Vergagni Written Testimony
Exhibit 67.  Letter of Opposition from Linda Bidlack. 6/14/24
Exhibit 68.  Resolution from Planning Approving the FCP. Sent 6/28/24
Exhibit 69.  Applicant's Closing Statement. 7/3/24
Exhibit 70.  Email from Katy Byrne to parties who provided emails regarding becoming an official party of record. 7/9/24